Red Green Centre Blastomussa F4


Minimum 2 Heads
  • Red Green Centre Blastomussa
  • Blastomussa wellsi
  • Hard coral
  • Care level: Easy
  • Suitable for: Intermediates
  • Light: Low
  • Flow rate: Low to moderate
  • Food: Photosynthetic and heterotroph

Red Green Centre Blastomussa are excellent, slow growing hard corals. They have large, bright green centres, nestled in billowy deep red tentacles.  Blastomussa are undemanding and hardy, which make them a good coral for someone who is new to LPS coral. They do not need much light or current and be target fed meaty foods, such as krill or mysis.  Red Green Centre Blastomussa require space due to their sweeper tentacles.


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