Green Fox Coral F4


Due to the nature of corals colours may vary slightly.
  • Green Fox Coral
  • Nemenzophyllia turbida
  • Hard coral
  • Care level: Moderate
  • Suitable for: Intermediates
  • Light: Low
  • Flow rate: Low
  • Food: Photosynthetic and planktotrophic

Green Fox Corals, Nemenzophyllia turbida, are beautiful, flower like corals. Fox corals will happily coexist with other corals, as they do not sting. nor do them seem susceptible to other coral stings. Also, these corals do not need much attention to thrive, but they can be rather delicate. Strong currents or by rough handling can result in damage. For this reason, it is best to place them in relatively sheltered areas. Fox corals prefer low indirect light, despite them hosting photosynthetic algae. Green Fox Corals are planktivores so will accept small food items


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