Green Marbled War Coral F2


Minimum Size 28mm
  • Green Marbled War Coral
  • Favites pentagona
  • Hard coral
  • Care level: Easy
  • Suitable for: Intermediate
  • Light: Moderate
  • Flow rate: Low – moderate
  • Food: Phototrophic and planktivore

Green Marbled War Coral is a stunning hard coral. They feature bright orange walls, offsetting a glowing green centre. War corals are a type of brain coral from the genus Favites. This group is known to be very diverse in terms of looks and is relatively easy to keep.

As the name suggests, this is an aggressive coral. Therefore, to prevent unwanted stinging, War corals should be given ample space away from neighbours. War corals do well in moderate light intensities. Compared to some species, these corals are not as sensitive to light conditions, so they retain their colour more easily. If given enough time, War corals can also adjust to high light levels.

Green Marbled War Coral may also benefit from supplements like microplankton and brine shrimp.


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