Skeletor Eel



Skeletor Eel or Yellow Spotted Moray

  • Skeletor Eel
  • Echidna xanthospilos
  • Care: Easy
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Group Size: Alone or mixed
  • Place of origin: Indo-Pacific
  • Coral Safe: Generally yes
  • Critter Safe: Generally no

Skeletor Eels, Echidna xanthospilos, also go by the name Yellow Spotted Moray. These are superb fish to have in the aquarium just from their looks alone.

Skeletor Eels occur in the Indo-Pacific, around: Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

Yellow Spotted Moray Eel In the Aquarium.

It is important to have plenty of nooks or crannies where your Skeletor Eel can explore and feel at home.

These fish are carnivores and do best when fed an enriched and varied diet. They will accept frozen whole fish, krill or large mysis, depending on the size of the eel. We enrich all our frozen food with garlic and vitamins. These are great for keeping fish healthy by providing them with the nutrition otherwise lost in frozen food. In doing so, these additives support their immune system and increase longevity. These fish do not eat everyday so be mindful to remove rejected food or target feed them.

Alternatively, Skeletor Eels will also eat live foods such as shrimp. We suggest feeding the shrimp before offering them, just so the meal is more nutritious. We adapt all our eel to aquarium life before they leave us. Most are feeding on frozen food before leaving us and we focus on their health.

Eels can live in a mixed group or alone. Feel free to give us a call with any questions.


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