Tropic Marin Pro Reef Sea Salt 20kg/600l Box


To achieve a salinity level of 32-35 ‰ (psu), dissolve 35 ml of Tropic Marin® PRO-REEF per liter or approximately ½ cup of Tropic Marin® PRO-REEF per US gallon water. Dissolve almost all of the salt in a clean container already filled with the full volume of RO/DI water at a temperature of 73-77°F / 23-25°C while circulating/stirring the water. Do not concentrate the mixture by adding the full amount of salt to a smaller amount of water.

To achieve a salinity level of 32-35 ‰ (psu), dissolve 35 ml of Tropic Marin® PRO-REEF per liter or approximately ½ cup of Tropic Marin® PRO-REEF per US gallon water. Dissolve almost all of the salt in a clean container already filled with the full volume of RO/DI water at a temperature of 73-77°F / 23-25°C while circulating/stirring the water. Do not concentrate the mixture by adding the full amount of salt to a smaller amount of water.


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