Falco Hawkfish



Falco Hawkfish, Cirrhitichthys falco

  • Common Name: Falco Hawkfish
  • Latin Name: Cirrhitichthys falco
  • Distribution: The Falco Hawkfish is naturally found in the Indo-Pacific region, including areas from the Red Sea and East Africa to the Pacific Ocean. Wild specimens are sourced from locations such as the Maldives, Indonesia, and the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Max Size: Up to 4 inches (10 cm)
  • Temperature Range: 75°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C)
  • pH Range: 8.1 – 8.4
  • KH Range: 8 – 12 dKH
  • Care Level: Moderate, they are a bit on the delicate side in terms of care.
  • Lighting Preference: Moderate to high lighting levels
  • Preferred Food: Carnivorous diet including small fish, crustaceans, and meaty marine preparations.
  • Behaviour: The Falco Hawkfish is a solitary and territorial species. They perch on rocks, coral branches, or other structures to observe their surroundings and ambush prey. They may demonstrate aggressive behaviour towards other fish, especially if they intrude upon their territory.
  • Suitable for Reef Tanks: Yes, but caution should be exercised when selecting tank mates due to their territorial nature. Avoid housing them with small, slow-moving, or peaceful fish that may be seen as potential prey.
  • Interesting facts:
  1. They have an interesting hunting strategy where they perch on coral branches and rocks, waiting for prey to pass by before pouncing on them.
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