Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly


Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly, Chelmon rostratus

  • Common Name: Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly
  • Latin name: Chelmon rostratus
  • Distribution: The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the waters of Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, and the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Max size: The maximum size of the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is around 8 inches (20 cm) in length.
  • Temperature range: The recommended temperature range for the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is between 75°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C).
  • pH Range: The ideal pH range for this species is between 8.1 and 8.4.
  • KH Range: The recommended KH (carbonate hardness) range for this species is 8-12 dKH.
  • Care level: The care level for the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is considered moderate to difficult due to its specific requirements and delicate nature.
  • Lighting preference: This species prefers moderate to high lighting in the aquarium.
  • Preferred food: The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is primarily a carnivorous species and feeds on a variety of small invertebrates such as worms, crustaceans, and small mollusks. It may also accept high-quality prepared foods like frozen or live brine shrimp and mysis shrimp.
  • Behaviour: The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is generally peaceful but can become territorial towards its own species or similar-looking fish. It may nip at sessile invertebrates or corals in the aquarium.
  • Suitable for reef tanks: The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish can be kept in a reef tank, but caution should be exercised as it may nip at corals, anemones, or other sessile invertebrates.
  • Discoverer: The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish was not named after a specific discoverer.
  • Interesting Facts:
  • It is often sought after by aquarists for its unique appearance and graceful swimming behaviour.
  • This species is best suited for experienced hobbyists who can provide the specific care requirements it needs.

The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly fish, Chelmon rostratus, is an elegant and striking fish known for its vibrant colours and elongated snout. It can reach a maximum size of around 8 inches (20 cm) in length, making it one of the larger butterflyfish species. The body of the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly is compressed and laterally thin, with a silver and deep yellow colouration.

Natural Habitat.

In its natural habitat, the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly is commonly found in coral reefs and rocky areas with ample hiding spots. It inhabits the Indo-Pacific region, including the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Its preferred habitat includes areas with abundant coral growth, providing both food sources and shelter. These butterflyfish are generally found in shallow waters ranging from 3 to 30 meters deep, where they can freely swim and explore their surroundings.

Keeping the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly Healthy.

The care level for the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly fish is considered moderate to difficult due to its specific requirements. Providing a well-maintained aquarium with stable water parameters is crucial for its well-being. Water temperature should be maintained between 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH levels between 8.1 and 8.4, and specific gravity at 1.020-1.025. Regular monitoring of water quality, including ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, is essential to ensure a healthy environment for this species.

Special Requirements and Feeding.

The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly requires a varied diet consisting of both meaty and plant-based foods. Offer a combination of high-quality frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, chopped seafood, and spirulina-based preparations. It is important to provide frequent feedings throughout the day to ensure they receive sufficient nutrition.

How Many Should I Keep?

Due to their territorial nature, it is recommended to keep only one Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly fish per aquarium. Multiple individuals can lead to aggressive behaviour and dominance issues.

Lighting Preference.

The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly prefers a well-lit aquarium with moderate to high lighting levels. This replicates its natural habitat and helps promote the growth of beneficial algae and coral.

Suitable Tank Mates.

Careful consideration should be given when selecting tank mates for the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly. Avoid housing them with aggressive or overly territorial species, as they are generally peaceful and can become stressed in the presence of aggressive tank mates. Suitable companions include other peaceful reef fish such as tangs, gobies, and smaller wrasses.

Reproduction in the Wild.

In the wild, the reproductive behaviour of the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is not well-documented. It is believed to follow a similar pattern to other butterflyfish species, with external fertilization of eggs in the water column.

Breeding Chelmon rostratus.

Captive breeding of the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish (Chelmon rostratus) is a challenging endeavour, but with the right conditions and dedication, it can be achieved. Successful breeding typically requires a large, well-established aquarium with pristine water quality and a carefully controlled environment.

  1. To begin

To initiate the breeding process, a compatible pair of mature butterflyfish should be selected and introduced into a spacious breeding tank. The tank should be equipped with hiding places such as live rock or artificial structures to provide the fish with security and privacy during the breeding process.

Water parameters should be maintained within optimal ranges, including a temperature of around 77-82°F (25-28°C), pH between 8.1 and 8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.023-1.025. Regular water changes and the use of high-quality protein-rich foods, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and finely chopped seafood, are essential to ensure the health and reproductive success of the fish.

  1. Courtship

The mating behaviour of the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish involves courtship rituals and the formation of a monogamous pair bond. The male fish will engage in vigorous courtship displays, including fin flaring and chasing the female. Once the pair is formed, they will ascend towards the water surface, releasing their eggs and sperm simultaneously in a synchronized manner.

  1. Rearing

The fertilized eggs will float near the water surface and eventually hatch into larvae, which are delicate and require specialized care. The larvae have unique dietary requirements, primarily consisting of live planktonic organisms such as copepods and rotifers. Providing the appropriate live food sources in sufficient quantities is crucial for the survival and growth of the larvae.

Maintaining a consistent water flow, temperature, and lighting regime throughout the breeding process is essential. Experienced breeders often employ specialized equipment, such as larval rearing tanks and filtration systems, to optimize conditions for the developing larvae.

It is worth noting that captive breeding of the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish is relatively rare, and most specimens available in the aquarium trade are wild-caught. However, efforts to breed this species in captivity contribute to the conservation of wild populations by reducing the demand for wild-caught individuals.

Sexual Dimorphism.

There are no significant differences in appearance between male and female Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish. Both sexes display the same vibrant colours and pattern.


The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly, as its name suggests, is native to the waters of Australia, particularly the Great Barrier Reef. It can also be found in other parts of the Indo-Pacific region, including Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.


The Giant Aussie Copperband Butterfly, Chelmon rostratus, is a stunning and larger-sized butterflyfish species known for its vibrant colours and elongated snout. With a maximum size of around 8 inches (20 centimeters), this fish adds elegance to any aquarium. Found in coral reefs and rocky areas of the Indo-Pacific region, including the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, it thrives in habitats with ample coral growth. The care level for this species is considered moderate to difficult, requiring stable water parameters and a well-maintained aquarium. Offering a varied diet of meaty and plant-based foods is crucial for its health. While breeding in captivity is challenging and rare, the Giant Aussie Copperband Butterflyfish remains a captivating addition to marine aquariums.


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