Green Cabbage Leather F2


Minimum Size 28mm
  • Green Cabbage Leather
  • Sinularia dura
  • Soft coral
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Suitable for: Beginners
  • Light: Moderate
  • Flow: Moderate to high
  • Food: Heterotrophic and planktotrophic

Green Cabbage Leathers are stunningly vibrant Sinularia corals. They have a branching morphology and as the name suggests, the limbs can closely resemble cabbage leaves. These broad structures add variety to marine aquariums. Cabbage Leathers are easy to keep and hardy. They are also good at retaining their colour under different light intensities. This makes them superb for beginners or great additions to LPS reefs.

Placing Green Cabbage Leathers.

These corals should be placed with enough room to grow and away from particularly sensitive species. This is important because Sinularia are slightly toxic. With good filtration and considerate placing, they should be fine in mixed reef tanks. Please feel free to give us a call and our staff can help with any questions you may have.

Green Cabbage Leathers prefer to be in moderate light intensities. They should also be placed in high flow areas of the tank. These corals have their own cleaning routine. Every now and then they will make a waxy coat which they shed off.  Good strong currents will help your Green Cabbage Leathers strip off and spread their polyps out again.

Feeding Sinularia Leathers.

The Sinularia gets alot of food from photosynthetic algae they house in their skeleton. Although, they may benefit being occasionally offered small foods like phytoplankton or zooplankton.


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